Status of claim

We will update this page as developments arise.

So far, the Claim has been filed (see filed NCC link below) and so has the Defence (filed RCC).  These documents form the basis of the claim.

Filed NCC

Filed RCC


Counsel in this class action have been retained by the proposed representative plaintiff to pursue this action as a class proceeding. Their retainer is limited to issues which apply to the class as a whole. Unless you have a written retainer agreement with a member of the legal team, no member of the legal team has taken on the responsibility to advise you with respect to your individual circumstances, including whether or not you should participate in this class action.


3 thoughts on “Status of claim

    • Hello putative class members, hopefully we are all soaking in some portion of this beautiful weather.

      It is our intention to update the class members as soon as we have any indication from the Court of, well, anything. The submissions have closed regarding the certification application. Madam Justice Griffin has reserved her judgment.

      There is no rule relating to a reserve period, and judges are free to do so for as long as it takes them to render a decision on the merits. Mr. Brown’s question is a common one and obviously folks will be wondering the same thing throughout the would-be class. Unfortunately this is one of the few areas where there is simply nothing to be done but wait for the decision frustrating though that will be for you. Justice Griffin, no doubt, has a lot on her plate as well in our always-overburdened Court system.

      As soon as any decision is rendered we will communicate with the class regarding the same.


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